Notice of Proposed Amendments to Dan Mills PTO Bylaws - 2022

Dan Mills PTO Bylaws Update - Read the updated bylaws HERE.

The Dan Mills PTO bylaws are a document that governs how the PTO will operate and is also the document that guides many of decisions. We are required to update this document every three years to make sure that it accurately reflects any changes to the structure or practices of the PTO. This document was recently updated by the PTO Executive Board in an effort to be better reflect current best practices and ensure that the PTO reflects all Dan Mills families.

We ask that families review this document and vote, using the link below. If approved these new bylaws will go into effect during the 2022-2023 school year.

Highlights include:

  • Term limits for the positions of President, Co-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer

  • Updates to when Organizational Meetings are held/how many times they are held throughout the year

  • Solidifying that no dues will be charged for PTO membership (ALL Dan Mills Families are members of the PTO)

We appreciate you taking the time to review this document.